CMS SupaTrak is on a sustainability mission. MD Jason Airey talks about why an integrated approach to fleet management is essential, and how the OWL Partnership is delivering innovation for change.
Jason Airey co-founded Optimised Waste and Logistics (OWL) Partnership because he was frustrated by the lack of communication between system suppliers, OEMs and third-party suppliers. ‘A non-integrated approach is not only bad for the client by providing substandard service and equipment that breaks down, but it is also bad for the environment. We set up OWL to address this. I believe it is our mission and our duty to reduce our impact on the environment and on air quality. We must help our clients achieve their goals most sustainably and safely possible.’
So, what are the issues?
CMS SupaTrak provides intelligent fleet solutions, so MD Jason is aware of the challenges faced by fleet managers. The pandemic has exacerbated the pressure on operators, who face steeply rising fuel costs and increased driver and road user risk while wrestling with the question of how to reduce emissions and meet air quality and net-zero targets. At the same time, the increasing commercialisation of services combined with rising insurance premiums means that streamlining business processes through better vehicle utilisation, removal of paperwork, and operational efficiency has never been more critical.
Therefore CMS teamed up with leading OEMs in the commercial fleet management industry and aftermarket vehicle management and back-office system suppliers to deliver a joined-up service to waste operators and local authority contractors.
CMS brings all these suppliers together through its in-house developed telematics solutions. The company has created a software and vehicle hardware suite that addresses all aspects of fleet management, including Driver Behaviour Management, Connected Camera, Track and Trace, Connected Tyre, Connected Weighing, Connected Safety Systems, In-Vehicle Diagnostics, Connected Navigation and Air Quality Monitoring.

OEM solution
CMS SupaTrak developed a new vehicle hardware platform for the brand-new Dennis Eagle eCollect – the only OEM manufactured electric refuse vehicle in the UK. The solution integrates the SmartWitness multi-channel connected video telematics cameras, providing real-time 360° visibility with no blind spots and recording of the work area camera. It also provides proof of road incidents and bin collection for use in disputes. This is the first time a refuse vehicle manufacturer has implemented a Tier-1 camera system installation on its trucks.
Air quality is a critical part of public sector fleet management strategies, and Jason believes that public service vehicles have a vital role to play in reducing air pollution. ‘Multi-purposing commercial fleet vehicles such as RCVs to measure key environmental parameters in addition to their traditional roles will set an important standard in the world of transport and logistics.’
Dennis Eagle has already installed CMS mobile air quality monitors on its demo truck. The City of London has calibrated the CMS air monitors with static systems and has started collecting mobile air quality data with one of its electric RCVs. The city fully intends to collect data on its Euro 5, 6 and EV fleet as time progresses.
CMS SupaTrak has been collecting data from the air monitors and trucks in the City of London and has already seen improvements. ‘The air monitors have identified the worst hotspots for air quality in the City. For instance, the underground depot on Wallbrook Wharf had critical air pollution levels because of diesel fumes in a confined space. Now the city has switched to electric RCVs this issue has been addressed, greatly improving the wellbeing of employees.’
This article was first published in Fleet Vision International